Between Philosophy and Literature

Paraphilosophy and Narrative Knowledge from the Colombian Thinker Nodier Botero


  • Pavel Eduardo Rodríguez Durango Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD - Colombia



Discourse, Philosophy, Literature, Narrative Knowledge


In this article we review the relationship between philosophy and literature as a central element of the work of the Colombian thinker Nodier Botero Jiménez, with the intention of exposing in a practical way the correspondences between both disciplines. For this, we will talk about the meeting points between philosophy and literature from literary criticism and theory, the philosophical reading of literary discourse as an instrument of uncovering and deepening of the final causes, in addition, we will wonder whether philosophy is equivalent to literature, extending the discussion on the diffuse stylistic limits, without ignoring that their intentions are expressions of different knowledge. For the development of the above, we will contrast different conceptual approaches such as Musil's Kakania with the dialectic of the positive-rational moment, Roth's erotics with Kant's aesthetic critique, Borge's fiction with today's hyperconnected world, among others.

In this article we intend to review part of the work of a Colombian thinker who made of heterodox depth his flag as a scribe when thinking about the relationship between philosophy and literature: Professor Nodier Botero. A man whose theoretical delectations were of an overflowing intensity, coming to relate conceptual diversities such as Musil's Kakania with the dialectics of the positive-rational moment, Roth's erotics with Kant's aesthetic critique, Borgean fiction with today's hyperconnected world, among many others.

Author Biography

Pavel Eduardo Rodríguez Durango, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD - Colombia

 Es profesional en filosofía, especialista en educación, cultura y política, magister en educación intercultural, estudiante de doctorado en pensamiento complejo y miembro del semillero de investigación Ethos, del grupo de investigación Cibercultura y territorio de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD. Es docente, asesor político, gestor cultural y escritor, reside en Bogotá. Sus principales publicaciones son Sombras Ominosas, de la editorial Uniediciones y expuesta en la FILBO 2022, el artículo El mal: una cuestión de perspectiva, de la revista Disertaciones de la Universidad del Quindío, el ensayo Filosofía del arte en Arauca: del símbolo a la realidad y de la realidad al símbolo publicado en el libro Posverdad, humanismos e imaginarios  de la UNAD, la publicación del artículo Remains waiting, en la revista del Centro internacional de estudios sociológicos CIES, Adrián Scribano Editora, Argentina, además de tener publicaciones en editoriales como el Búho, ITA, IN-USUAL, entre otras.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Durango, P. E. (2024). Between Philosophy and Literature: Paraphilosophy and Narrative Knowledge from the Colombian Thinker Nodier Botero. Disertaciones, 13(2), 91–110.

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