Post Abysmal Thought, Body and Technology




Body, Technology, Culture, Post-abyssal Thougth


In this essay we recover some reflections about the notion of body and the substrate that is mobilized when reasoning about it the light of the technological development deployed in recent decades. We take as a starting point the postulates of Boaventura de Sousa Santos regarding the fact that we live in a gap between what is trying to be imposed as “what is”and what societies experiences, embodies and demands, in a framework in which technological advances they print a new subjective dimension, not only in the establishment of the interface, as a deep and complex link between the body and technology and its effects of meaning, but also in the intervention from and on the bodies, extending the limits of the conceivable. In this context, we return to proposals such as Multinaturalism, Cyborg theory or Post-abyssal formulation, as possible frameworks from which to design a corpus of knowledge in accordance with new developments.



How to Cite

Moisés Sosa, G. E. (2022). Post Abysmal Thought, Body and Technology. Disertaciones, 11(1), 7–18.