
  • Gregorio Posada Ramírez Universidad del Quindío


spite, love, desire, lover, beloved


Among the multiple classifications that can be made of people, there is one that shelters us all and that divides us into two types, namely, those who have suffered from spite and those who do not: those who have known authentic love, understood this as the attraction and reciprocal affinity between two individuals on a sensual and emotional level, to such an intense degree that they know themselves as a single being and that, for whatever reasons, they have lost everything; and those who have not yet had the opportunity to live -or to suffer- such an experience. For this reason, the present paper aims to delve a bit into what love refers to, to study its constitution and how it affects those who are part of it in order to understand what is lost, to understand and describe the state's transit - ontologically distinct, even - in which is the individual who has left the sweet and welcoming domains of the state of love, to enter the arid and freezing lands of spite. 



How to Cite

Posada Ramírez, G. (2019). ABOUT THE SPITE. Disertaciones, 7(2), 57–62. Retrieved from https://ojs.uniquindio.edu.co/ojs/index.php/Disertaciones/article/view/204