Bartolomé De Las Casas

Between Faith and Guilt


  • Luis Fernando Abello Rayo Universidad del Tolima - Colombia



Barbarism, Metaphysic Guilt, Ethics, Faith


The following writing aims to demonstrate that, within the descriptions in Very Brief Report of the destruction of the Indies, guilt is conceived on the part of the fragile, which is why in his writing he intends to make an omission of the same. To do this, we try to demonstrate that De las Casas' thinking entails an ethical determination not to evade his responsibility for barbaric acts. This implies giving an important character to the relationship as a witness and “accomplice” of the particularities that are related in their writings. In this way, the present text is divided into three parts. The first will link the relationship between ethics and faith as a motive to reject violent acts. In the second, the opposition of De las Casas to the existence of cults opposed to moral good, together with the relationship of the body as a way of exclusion towards the other through dehumanization and the third, the dilemma of metaphysical guilt, in which De las Casas has a responsibility for not avoiding barbaric situations.

Author Biography

Luis Fernando Abello Rayo, Universidad del Tolima - Colombia

Lic. en lengua castellana, Universidad del Tolima. Esp. educación, cultura y política. Mg. en Filosofía, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Docente Universidad del Tolima-IDEAD. Coordinador semillero Hybris. Violencia y literatura. intereses: filosofía política y moral, literatura y filosofía.

Publicaciones: ¿Hay moral en el liberalismo? Revista Ideales, Universidad del Tolima, 2023. ¿Globalización en crisis? Reflexiones ético-políticas para su interpretación. Artículo: Globalización. Salidas entre Habermas y Berlín. Universidad Libre, 2022. Borges: Perspectiva metafísica de la ironía y el humor. Revista La Palabra, Universidad pedagógica y tecnológica de Colombia, 2020


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How to Cite

Abello Rayo, L. F. (2024). Bartolomé De Las Casas: Between Faith and Guilt. Disertaciones, 13(2), 111–131.