Falling into Provocation
Neocommunitarianism and Potentia as Destituent Power
chivo expiatorio, neocomunitarismo, poder destituyente, potentia, sindicato socialAbstract
This study presents a different perspective for politics in Latin America, focused on the generation of alternative political subjectivities and personal transformation. It criticizes the imposition of liberalism and argues that current electoral options have not produced a significant change for the majority of the population. It proposes the use of destituent power and insurrection, instead of revolution, as means to reduce the influence of the state. This implies the creation of communities of choice, whose main criterion is shared antagonism against some external factor. These communities could more effectively address not only the economic issue, but also that of recognition and the problems derived from it. Finally, it emphasizes that this struggle does not seek to establish any ideology as the basis of its approach and that serves as a guide. Instead, it is necessary to learn to recognize and value the needs of the subjectivities that make up the group, and to attend to them directly, discovering new sources of sustenance in contact.
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