About the Journal

Relative to the Journal 


The journal ‘Disertaciones’ is a serial publication from the Philosophy Program of the University of Quindío, founded in 2010, It is intended to national and international academic and scientific communities. It’s published every six months, and his purpose lies on distribute original texts works, results of research projects carried out in the various fields of philosophy and related areas such as the social and human sciences, and also, to contribute philosophical to reflection and discussion. It’s intended for thoughtful and critical readers who feel concerned with current issues in society, culture and Science. In this way, contributes to the strengthening of academic networks and to visualizing the results of the research processes.


Peer Review

The works that are sent to be published in the Journal Disertaciones must be original and unpublished. Need to be manuscripts that never been published in any other medium, whether printed or online. For the selection of possible works, original works will have priority in the search of possible candidates to publish their projects. First, the editorial team determines if the manuscript meets all the necessary requirements that the journal has: relevance, organizational structure and top number of references. If the document targets all the editorial policies of the journal, it will be sent to peers for review. Peers will be selected for their affinity in the research field of the document. In this second part, the document is reviewed by two experts in the field, who will provide their comments on internal consistency, relevance to the field of knowledge, state of the art, conceptual and methodological rigor, critical reflection, and contribution to the field of knowledge.


The time for the reviews is 30 days. If this deadline is not met or accomplish, the document will be sent to two new evaluators.


The observations of the peers, like those from the editorial committee, must be taken into consideration by the author, who will make the necessary adjustments. The author must make these changes and corrections to the manuscript in no more than 10 days of calendar work. After receiving the modified document, it needs to be submitted to a new revision, and later the author will be informed about his approval. The committee reserves the right to accept or reject works in each edition of the journal. The journal reserves the right to make style corrections, which will always be consulted with the author. During the editing process, the editor can consult the authors to resolve any concerns that appear.


It’s important the double-blind peer review process, this allows continuous improvement in the quality of publications and author comments. This system seeks to improve the editorial quality of publications to distribute knowledge at a regional, national and international level. In addition, the evaluation carried out by expert peers in the field makes sure that editorial policies will be met and the journal guarantees the publication of articles that only have methodological rigor.


Open Access

 The Journal Disertaciones belongs to an open access publication:

  • We do not charge article processing charges (APC).
  • We do not charge for article publishing.

The Journal Disertaciones provides immediate and open access to all his content, based on the principle of offering the public free access to researchers and provide a global exchange of knowledge. Since the 2020 editions, the journal has adhered to the Creative Commons policy.

Otherwise unless stated, and as of 2020 the content in this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by -nc-nd/4.0/


  • Attribution. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but in no manner that suggests the licensor endorses your needs or your only use.
  • Non-commercial. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • Without referrals. If you remix, transform, change or develop the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
  • No additional restrictions. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license allows.


Note: To the Authors is recommended that once the manuscript is published in the journal Disertaciones, it will be distributed and shared through academic social networks and institutional repositories.


Digital Files Preservation Policy

The journal Disertaciones through his OJS platform, has a LOCKSS system (many copies keep things safe) that guarantees the preservation of a permanent and secure archive.


Authors' responsibilities

When an article is produced from a research financed institution, the author must include this: need to said information in the article (funding body, institutional affiliation, participants, etc.) and authorization for his publication in repositories or other forms of storage. Likewise, he must fill out a format and submit them with the submission of his article.


  • Declaration of originality. Make use of the information as required by copyright. If it is necessary, guarantee that studies carried out in humans or other species comply with national and international regulations. For this purpose, you must submit proof of informed consent.


  • Declaration of compliance with ethical principles. Certify that you have complied with the ethical principles mentioned in the APA and in the Code of Ethics and Bioethics of the Practice of Psychology in Colombia, related to research and publication of information.



  • Conflict of interest statement. You need to warn the editorial committee of any significant error in the published article, so that it can be corrected through an errata, addendum, letter to the editor or withdrawal from the publication.

In any case, in the event of any abnormality or error in the publication, the protocols of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) will be activated to correct misconduct around the publication.


Responsibility of the Editorial board

The editorial committee of the journal is ruled objectively in the performance of its functions, avoiding any type of discrimination motivated by reasons of gender, sex, religion, ethnic condition or geographical location of the authors that want to work with the Journal. The journal establishes clear and transparent processes for cases of ethical or conflict of interest complaints.


All the objections will be studied and the authors will be allowed to respond them within a reasonable period of time. Ensures the confidentiality of information and editorial processes. Also, avoid publishing articles that present the following irregularities:


  • Conflict of interest.
  • Lack of originality.
  • Adulterate or false information.
  • Fragmented publication.
  • Plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
  • High percentage of similarity detected by software
  • Excess of self-citations or not clear references.



Ethical statement of the journal

The journal Disertaciones has a serious arbitration process related to the postulated works, considering the basic principles of respect for copyright and information. In addition to this, the editorial processes are aimed at complying with the most appropriate guidelines, and policies of the most suitable indexes, databases and bibliographic directories and databases.


One of the most important aspects of this process is executed by an editorial committee that reunited periodically, and is on charge of reviewing compliance with the minimum requirements in each of the proposed papers, which are subsequently sent to a team of anonymous external judges. This work of evaluation is based on an updated database with recognized experts in their fields of research, most with PhD. who will be publishing permanently in indexed journals. Thus, the commitment of the entire editorial team is to provide truthful, timely and innovative information, contributing to the development of universal scientific knowledge.


The journal has in his publications a fundamental ethic in a mission to protect copyright and information, for which the editorial and selection processes use electronic formats and programs that eliminate any possibility of plagiarism. In addition, the authors who submit their works certify that their proposals are the result of their own original research. To do this, a paper application form is filled out in which it is demonstrated that the text is the result of a research project and the author is the intellectual responsible for it.


Identification of unethical behavior

If an ethical misconduct is detected, the objections must be supported by sufficient evidence to allow the investigation process begin. Due to that, the process start being followed, as well as maintaining the confidentiality criteria of the information that came to the Journal and team. The editorial committee of the journal will finalize the process with a decision that will be informed to the author or authors involved, and the pertinent measures will be taken to resolve the case. In any event, the process will be mediated by the protocols of the Publication Ethics Committee (Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE).


  • Minor: Minor faults will be dealt with directly with the author so that in a period of time