Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío,

34(S3), 61-70; 2022.

ISSN: 1794-631X e-ISSN: 2500-5782

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Yefremova N. V.1*; Miroshnichenko Ye. V.2; Posokhova N. V.3; Kushchenko Ye. S.4; Yenina S. A.5

1. Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism in SBEI HE “Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture”, Russia.

2. Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism in SBEI HE “Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture”, Russia.

3. Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism in SBEI HE “Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture”, Russia.

4. Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism in SBEI HE “Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture”, Russia.

5. Department of Social and Cultural Activities and Tourism in SBEI HE “Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture”, Russia.

* Corresponding author: Yefremova N. V., e-mail:


The article reveals the potential of the socio-cultural space of a traditional folk holiday in the aspect of the formation of value orientations of the younger generation. The urgency of the problem is due to the increased attention to the search for effective ways to form the value orientations of adolescents in modern society, in the system in which the traditional folk holiday culture occupies a special place. A comparative and theoretical analysis of the literature on the research issue is utilized to meet the study’s aim. The paper analyzed the state of practical activities of cultural and leisure institutions with adolescents and concluded that the study of the traditional folk holiday as a socio-cultural space for the formation of the personality of adolescents allows justifying its great educational potential in the value-forming process.

Keywords: teenagers; value orientations; traditional folk holiday; socio-cultural space; cultural and leisure institutions.


El artículo revela el potencial del espacio sociocultural de una fiesta popular tradicional en el aspecto de la formación de orientaciones de valor de la generación más joven. La urgencia del problema se debe a la creciente atención a la búsqueda de formas efectivas para formar las orientaciones de valores de los adolescentes en la sociedad moderna, en el sistema en el que la cultura tradicional de vacaciones populares ocupa un lugar especial. Se utiliza un análisis comparativo y teórico de la literatura sobre el tema de investigación para cumplir con el objetivo del estudio. El trabajo analizó el estado de las actividades prácticas de las instituciones culturales y de ocio con adolescentes, y concluyó que el estudio de la fiesta popular tradicional como espacio sociocultural para la formación de la personalidad de los adolescentes permite justificar su gran potencial educativo en la valorización- proceso de formación.

Palabras clave: adolescentes; orientaciones valorativas; fiesta popular tradicional; espacio sociocultural; instituciones culturales y de ocio.


In present sociocultural environment, the area that remains outstanding is the spiritual and moral formation of the personality of a new generation. This is due to the fact that personal value potential is relevant to target determinants upon which every individual’s ideals, beliefs, worldviews are formed. The process of forming a value baggage is complex and multi-stage, at each of the stages there is a change and correction of the values of an individual under the influence of various objective and subjective factors (Omelchenko & Sabirova, 2016; Omelchenko, 2021).

Special attention of scholars and experts in education and construction of identity is given to adolescence when the process of socialization is determined by the increasing specifics. Interaction selectivity, imitation of socially important patterns, behavioral maximalism and the need for freedom and independence have a meaningful effect in value-forming process of adolescents, in shaping values in this age group (Wilks & Quinn, 2016). At precisely this stage of life, one is to choose a series of right integrated educational and developing technologies for most useful and effective value-forming process (Pastoor et al., 2018).

Significant potential in the system of forming values-based orientations of adolescents is comprehended in traditional folk culture which is the embodiment of spiritual and moral foundations, the most relevant of them are the value attitude towards the Motherland, nature, the institution of the family, education, work ethic, respectfulness for the older generation, mercy. A peculiar manifestation of the values of traditional folk culture is observed in traditional folk festivities that are not only a unique non-formalized sociocultural institution, but also an educational space for the younger generation (Rodionova et al., 2020).

Traditional folk holiday can be considered as one of the best forms of transferring the accumulated experience of the Russian people in the education and formation of an identity of the younger generation (Vasilkina et al., 2018). The space of a traditional folk festivity encapsulates all directions of the values orientation process for a teenager: cognition, self-identification, an active-practical attitude towards the world and the people around them. Important functions of personality formation and education of teenagers are revealed in the sociocultural space of the traditional folk holiday (Rogach et al., 2017).

The topicality of the research made it possible to identify a number of contradictions: between theoretical conception of the educational potential of a traditional folk festive culture and its implementation in sociocultural practice; between the need to form value system of adolescents and insufficient understanding of the role of a traditional folk festivity as a sociocultural space in this process; between the accumulated experience of cultural institutions in the formation of values-based orientations and insufficient practical realization of the potential of a traditional folk fest.


A comparative and theoretical analysis of the literature on the research issue is utilized to meet the study’s aim. On the basis of the ascertained contradictions, a research problem consisting in the need for a theoretical understanding of traditional folk festivities as a sociocultural space for the formation of values-based orientations of adolescents and the realization of their educational potential in the practical activities of cultural and leisure institutions has been formulated.


The address to the values of traditional folk culture in modern process of education and personal development is largely due to the rich experience accumulated by the Russian people over all periods of history. Close connection of human life with nature, cultural traditions, faith has formed the layers of material and spiritual culture with high educational and cultural patterns and national meanings. In the system of values of traditional folk culture, one of the important components is an unformalized sociocultural institution, such as a traditional folk holiday. The potential of traditional folk holidays can hardly be overestimated in relation to the aspect of teenagers’ value system formation.

The opposition of holidays to weekdays is characteristic of all peoples. In this regard, Liu et al. (2019) wrote that “the very word holiday expresses abolishment, freedom from everyday work, combined with fun and joy. A holiday is free time, while a rite is a significant action, an accepted way of performing certain solemn actions. The latter is contained in the first ... A holiday is always a cataclysm, a moment of temporary death and at the same time a new birth of the world”. A traditional holiday as a sociocultural space is characterized by traditional cultural values that are of great social importance, which is corroborated by the following analysis. Festivity as a sociocultural space embraces not only actions, but also its history, memory, artistic and value-orientation meanings that are translated in this cultural space. This is a large-scale category in terms of its content and cultural value, the understanding of its importance is necessary in the process of forming the personality of a teenager, including their frame of reference.

The analysis of the essence and specifics of a traditional folk holiday as a sociocultural space, as well as our own experience in the sociocultural sphere, suggest that this non-formalized sociocultural institution of the holiday has great potential in the process of educating adolescents and forming their spiritual and moral qualities. The problem of formation of values-based orientations in adolescents is closely related to the Germanization of the culture-forming and educational process, which require attention for a person in all its diversity. The formation of the value-orientational baggage of adolescents, as we have pointed out, is a complex and lengthy process that is carried out systematically and in stages. Its effectiveness depends on the unity and integrity of the entire educational process, the variability in conditions for educating and developing young persons, including in the sphere of their free time.

A traditional folk festivity encompasses important productive means of education: nature, music, customs and rituals (Jäger, 2016). The connection of traditional folk holidays with nature shows not only a respectful attitude towards it, but also a fear of its elements. Therefore, in festive rituals, various ways of coaxing natural phenomena, an appeal to nature with requests and gratitude are traced. Contact with nature teaches the rising generation to respect, cultivate, and strive to increase its invaluable resources. Personal relationship with nature gives strength, inspirits, fosters the development of physical activity of the younger generation. The figure shows the essential characteristics of these components (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Educative Attributes of a Traditional Folk Festivity

Traditional folk holidays play a significant role in the prevention of negative manifestations among teenagers. The very space of a festivity is charged with positive emotions and images that reorient teenagers from ill deeds and actions to positive useful activities. The holiday assumes important functions and acts as a way of spiritual unity, collective self-expression, abreaction, relaxation. During the holiday, you can fill the need in self-fulfillment, freedom, get into the spirit of useful and interesting activities. Having the property of group influence, traditional folk holidays form stable behavioral stereotypes of adolescents, which are determined by their value content and moral guides.

In the process of organizing and holding traditional folk festivities in which teenagers participate, educational tasks of aesthetic and moral orientation are successfully implemented, where the main principle is to humanize the goals of educational and value-forming work with adolescents in the field of leisure. In the festive space, teenagers get a feel for folk art and traditional folk culture. Involvement in folk art and traditions, participation in folk festivities spiritually enrich the representatives of the younger generation, bring up pride in their people, maintain interest in its history and culture (Kochergina et al., 2019) .

The sociocultural space of traditional folk festivities is a specific value-orientational environment, built according to certain principles (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Principles of Sociocultural Space Planning of Traditional Folk Festivities

In the sociocultural space of a traditional folk holiday, an integral system of artistic images, rites, rituals, traditions is manifested, where a diversified creative cooperation takes place between people of different ages and stations in life. This results in successful communication, continuity, cooperation with representatives of different generations.

A special role in the systematization and improvement of the process of forming the system of values of teenagers belongs to cultural and leisure institutions, which are the main subjects of the formation and development of personality in the sphere of leisure.

Within the territory of the Belgorod region, there is an extensive network of state cultural and leisure institutions that perform educational and culture-forming functions in their artistic environment. One of the important sections of planning cultural and leisure activities with teenagers’ participation is work on nurturing spiritual and moral qualities of an individual, forming their value-orientational baggage (Clarke et al., 2017; Qiu et al., 2022). A study carried out on the basis of the Voznesenovsky Center for Cultural Development of the Municipal State Cultural Institution of the structural unit “The CCD of the Ivnyanskiy District” (hereinafter CCD).

The preservation, regeneration and development of traditional folk culture is one of the most important tasks in the cultural life of our settlement. The main tasks of the CCD in this direction are: increasing the coverage of the population with services aimed at developing interest in the life of the Russian people, their customs, traditions and culture; increasing the growth of attendance at cultural events; rebirth, preservation and development of cultural and historical traditions; creation of necessary conditions for the promotion of local traditional folk art. Solving these tasks, the staff of the CCD organize both stage cultural and group club events.

Within the framework of work in this area, popular are such cultural and leisure programs as The Secret of Youth – a useful tips session; Old New Year’s Open-Air Merrymakings – a traditional folk festivities; Epiphany – traditional Christmas divination; As It happened in Olden Days – gatherings according to the customs and traditions of the Russian people; We Enjoy Ourselves at Our Tea – get-togethers; Craftsmanship, Creativity, Success – competition of girls’ handiwork and others.

Craftsmanship, Creativity, Success is the name of the handicraft competition. Participants of the competition demonstrate their skills in various contest games: Patchwork Miniature, A Dinner Party, Talents of Mastery and others. In the Voznesenovsky rural settlement, craftsmen of decorative and applied art live and work, who take part in the revival and development of the folk culture of the population and pass on their experience to the younger generation at master classes such as: Master of Skillful Fingers – a master class on dough art; Hand-Made Magic – a master class on making jewelry from satin ribbons; Creativity for All – a master class on arts and crafts with the participation of village craftswomen, etc.

In the context of research, we have analyzed the planning of a cultural institution for schedules of traditional folk festivities. The process of forming the value orientations of teenagers in the activities of the Voznesenovsky Center for Cultural Development occupies a special place. The employees carry out a lot of work in this direction, however, in our opinion, the potential of traditional folk holidays is not used enough to enhance this important task. It has been found that traditional folk festivities make up only 2% of the total number of cultural and leisure programs for teenagers. We don’t think it is good enough.

As part of the study, a questionnaire survey engaging 100 individuals was conducted among teenagers, which amounted to 97% of the total number of representatives of the age group. The composition of the respondents by gender was 67 girls (67%) and 33 boys (33%). Our goal was to reveal the attitude and interest of teenagers to traditional folk holidays, as well as their influence on the formation of value orientations of representatives of the age group. It can be said that the number of respondents who took part in the survey led to obtaining an objective picture of the state of the process of forming value orientations of that age group using the potential of traditional folk festivities.

In order to identify teenagers’ satisfaction with the leisure organized in the Voznesenovsky rural settlement, we asked the question How satisfied are you with the leisure time in your rural area? The respondents’ answers showed the following (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Satisfaction of teenagers with their leisure time (In percent).

Based on the results of this figure, we can conclude that the majority of teenagers are satisfied, but not exactly with their leisure time in the Voznesenovsky rural settlement. This can be explained by the fact that the countryside does not have all the available means for encouraging a versatile and complete organization of leisure for teenagers. Basically, only the Voznesenovsky CCD and the school work together with the children. It should be noted that the sociocultural environment of rural areas differs in its infrastructural content. It is the cultural and leisure institutions that remain the most visited and in demand among the population in terms of leisure-time activity.

There are many talented teenagers in the village, but there are not enough leisure facilities that would contribute to the realization of the abilities, hobbies and interests of young people.

To the question How often do you visit the Voznesenovsky Center for Cultural Development? we have received the following answers (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Frequency of teenagers attending the Voznesenovsky Center (In percent)

As can be seen from the data in the diagram, the majority of representatives of the adolescent audience constitute a consistent audience of the Voznesenovsky CCD, but a significant part of adolescents finds other places and forms of leisure. In interviews, the participants have commented on the reasons for the rare visit to a cultural institution. Among them are an extremely heavy homework load, informal socializing outside the walls of the CCD, communication and viewing of social networks, and more.

Most of the visitors to the Voznesenovsky CCD are engaged in clubs and creative teams, which leads to more frequent visits to cultural institutions. Of the total number of respondents, 64 percent is involved in useful types of leisure in organized club forms. Such clubs and associations have a long history, but until modern times they are a popular form of leisure activity for various groups of the population, including teenagers. Clubs of various orientations are created in cultural institutions in order to meet the interests and leisure needs of the audience.

Among the motives for being engaged in clubs and groups of creative artists and clubs are the following.

The questionnaire survey has demonstrated adolescents’ strong need for realization and personal fulfillment, which makes it necessary to intensify the work of the Voznesenovsky CCD with this age group.

Answering the question of the questionnaire What holidays are traditional folk?, the respondents gave correct answers. However, it can be noted that the Orthodox were also classified as traditional folk holidays. In response it was said that such holidays as Easter, Epiphany and others were loved and revered by the people, which allows to call them folk. That is true, for in the tradition of the Russian people there are two festive branches of Orthodox and traditional pagan holidays to have remained in demand and popular in modern sociocultural environment.

Among the traditional holidays held within the territory of the Ivnyanskiy district, most of the teenagers mentioned the festive Autumn, Christmastide, Maslenitsa and others. It is worth noting that 5% of the respondents could not answer this question, which can be regarded as a gap in the process of upbringing and formation of teenager’s personality.

The holiday as a form of leisure is popular among representatives of the teenage audience which is confirmed by their answers to the question Do you take part in traditional folk festivals? (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Teenagers participation in traditional popular festivals

Answers given to the question “What qualities, in your opinion, are nurtured by a traditional folk holiday? have shown an understanding of the value potential of this layer of traditional folk culture. For teenagers, not only the plot of the holiday is interesting, but also its entire sociocultural space with an extraordinary atmosphere, the work of many festive venues, mass character and entertaining types of festive activities. Most teenagers view the holiday as a head start for fostering patriotism, courage, hard work, respect for the older generation, and more.

It is important to note that the majority of the respondents consider the holiday as a way of instilling patriotism in the younger generation (34%). Such a quality as collectivism was noted by only 6% of respondents, which may be dictated by the general trend of individualization and isolation of the younger generation.

Modern teenagers often spend their leisure time in solitude with modern gadgets, fill their free hours with communication on social networks and do not feel the need for personal communication. This should alert everyone who is involved in the process of educating and molding of personality of the younger generation, including in the field of leisure time. Teenagers’ leisure activity influences not only the formation of value orientations, but also the attitude in solving life problems and everyday issues, therefore it is necessary to systematically search for new interesting forms of engaging young people into active sociocultural activities. The teenagers engaged in the questionnaire survey have noted that holding traditional folk festivities can contribute to the realization of their various leisure and intellectual needs.

Answers to the question Would you like more traditional folk festivities to be held in the Voznesenovsky CCD? have demonstrated that teenagers feel the need to intensify the activities of the Voznesenovsky CCD on holding traditional folk fests. It should be noted that 10% of respondents expressed indifference towards traditional folk holidays, which confirms the complexity and contradictory nature of the upbringing of modern teenagers, who often find activities that are not characterized by a positive orientation. This category of adolescents, in our opinion, require constant attention and control from all educational and culture-forming institutions.


Thus, the study conducted among teenagers made it possible to inquire into the following. The Voznesenovsky Center for Cultural Development conducts a wide range of activities for teenagers in terms of the formation of their value orientations. Along with teenagers’ active participation in the activities of the cultural institution, a significant part of them is not fully satisfied with their leisure time. Among the leisure forms that facilitate teenagers’ value system development, the potential of traditional folk holidays needed by representatives of the adolescent group of the population is not sufficiently exploited. Teenagers consider the traditional folk holiday not only as an interesting form of spending leisure time, but also highly appreciate its educational potential, which is important in forming value orientations.

In this regard, we consider it appropriate to develop a well-rounded program to activate the traditional festive culture in the process of forming the value orientations of teenagers.

The regeneration of forgotten folk traditions, as shown by the study, is an important component of the value-orientational work of cultural and leisure institutions with the rising generation. The experience accumulated by the Russian people and embodied in traditional folk holidays and passed on to the younger generation can become a firm value-orientational basis to form and nurture future generation.


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