Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío,

34(S3), 21-27; 2022.

ISSN: 1794-631X e-ISSN: 2500-5782

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Minyurova Svetlana-Aligaryevna1*; Aminova Jennet-Kamilyevna2

1. Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia.

2. Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala, Russia.

* Corresponding author: Minyurova Svetlana-Aligaryevna, e-mail:


The article reveals the current views of the professional community on adaptive behavior, the ideas of transition to the development of a relatively stable personality structure of a master's student of psychological and pedagogical education. The data were obtained using the methods of psychological diagnostics: a multi-level personal questionnaire (MLO) "Adaptability", the questionnaire " SOP-2 "(Tendency to deviant behavior), the method "Depersonalization by professional systems", the analysis of educational activities with a focus on the method of cases, social assessments, individual conversations. Considering the current state, problems and diagnostic assessments, it can be reached the logical conclusion that the determinants of the formation and development of adaptive behavior are the dialectical laws of the development of matter, and the totality of indicators of individual personal adaptive potential, the tendency to deviate behavior, life satisfaction and educational effectiveness will determine the level of the studied behavior.

Keywords: Adaptive behavior, Personality, Undergraduate student, Educational activity, Future psychologist.


El artículo revela los puntos de vista actuales de la comunidad profesional sobre el comportamiento adaptativo, las ideas de transición al desarrollo de una estructura de personalidad relativamente estable de un estudiante de maestría en educación psicológica y pedagógica. Los datos se obtuvieron utilizando los métodos de diagnóstico psicológico: un cuestionario personal multinivel (MLO) "Adaptabilidad", el cuestionario "SOP-2" (Tendencia a la conducta desviada), el método "Despersonalización por sistemas profesionales", el análisis de actividades educativas con enfoque en el método de casos, valoraciones sociales, conversaciones individuales. Teniendo en cuenta el estado actual, los problemas y las evaluaciones de diagnóstico, se puede llegar a la conclusión lógica de que los determinantes de la formación y desarrollo del comportamiento adaptativo son las leyes dialécticas del desarrollo de la materia, y la totalidad de indicadores del potencial adaptativo personal individual, el la tendencia a desviarse de la conducta, la satisfacción con la vida y la eficacia educativa determinarán el nivel de la conducta estudiada.

Palabras clave: Comportamiento adaptativo, Personalidad, Estudiante de pregrado, Actividad educativa, Futuro psicólogo.


In the modern professional community, the components and definitions of the concept of "adaptive behavior" are identified step by step. This term is used today by biologists, psychologists, and sociologists (Rahmatullah et al., 2022; Flesia et al., 2020). Aspects of the actively studied adaptive behavior of the individual are distributed in the perspective of the effects of stress in the juvenile, prepubescent and pubertal periods of development (Guilmette et al., 2019). A number of authors distinguish lies (Khusainova et al., 2018), self-preservation technologies (Pérez-López et al., 2019), school students (Wang et al., 2021), employees of higher professional education (Rutchick et al., 2018), dialectical contradictions (Martínez et al., 2019) as components in individual strategies of adaptive behavior of student youth.

If adaptation is understood as adaptation or adaptation as a process and result, as the adjustment of personal systems to the needs of society, then adaptive behavior is contradictory and multidirectional. On the one hand, by demonstrating complete agreement and solidarity, a person can conform to the values of the environment to which he or she is behaviorally adapted. Let's decide on the mechanism of moving forward. It should be manageable, conscious, and have value meanings. Popovych and Blynova (2019) singles out love as the driving force of a person's spiritual development (Su, 2020), Trigueros et al. (2019) consider ethno-cultural values as such, Vansteenkiste et al. (2020) single out good and evil deeds as the basis of driving forces for the development or destruction of humanity. Some scientists went in search of the driving force of development as the tyranny of virtue , others in their arguments moved from traditionalism and imaginary essentialism (Vizoso et al., 2019), in practice often replaced by behavioral theories of the need to move forward, focusing on the external motive of the individual "to be like everyone else" at the level of subject-object relations. That is, there are many driving forces and they are always different in each type of activity and process. However, we agree that the main driving force of development is knowledge-intensive knowledge (Hong et al., 2021).

With all the multidimensional nature of the concept under study, it is necessary to note the presence of universal driving forces of development. If we take the basic principles of dialectical materialism of the development of matter and personality, in particular, then adaptive behavior should strive for unity and the struggle of opposites; the transition of quantity into quality; the negation of negation. The unity and struggle of opposites explains in the course of implementing adaptive behavior the existence of contradictions between behavioral acts of adaptation "here and now" and non-nominal style of behavior, personal behavioral handwriting.

The law of the transition of the number of behavioral, personality-adapting acts, into the quality reflected in the moral principles, the stability of adaptive behavior, fixing the skills of this behavior. The law of negation of negation, as a spiral of progressive development fixed in experience, seems to produce a regressive leap back, but nevertheless provides a respite for a better strategic rest of mental energy, implemented in strategies and tactics of adaptive behavior. Adaptive behavior, fixing and stereotyping attitudes of some forms, discards them under new difficult circumstances and applies innovative techniques, tactics and determinants (Gurven, 2018).

If dialectical contradictions are the driving force of any development, then the orientation of the development of adaptive behavior of the individual is its safety, on the one hand, free to accept the role forms of its behavior, on the other hand, dependent on the values and norms of the environment and the type of adaptation (Trigueros et al. (2019). The development of personality is accompanied by the development of its adaptive behavior.

The multidirection of behavioral acts in the work of the driving forces of development provides a transition to a new level, more conscious and effective, providing active adaptability of self-changes and self-development (Vizoso et al., 2019). Note that the stability of the core of the Self correlates with stability and equilibrium. All the inconsistency of the studied phenomenon of "adaptive behavior" is on the one hand, adaptation, stability and static, and on the other - the constant adjustment of oneself to the "malice of the day", which leads to the dynamics and transformation of the structures of the personality itself. The eclectic nature of adaptive activity serves as a psychological defense against the danger of destruction or non-compliance with the requirements of society. A person should strive to be stable, but flexibly change the styles and tactics of their behavior in order to avoid conflict and self-destruction. In the application of these ideas to the educational process, it is appropriate to talk about the academic performance of university students (Gustems-Carnicer et al., 2019) as an act of realizing the desire to meet the requirements of the profession, in some cases, one can observe the opposite of the desire to assign the value of the profession, the phenomenon of professional marginalism (Flesia et al., 2020).

In our study, we suggested that the driving forces of the development of adaptive behavior are subjective and objective factors that are subject to the laws of dialectics. You can determine the level of development of adaptive behavior of a person by the sum of digital data on the scale: personal adaptive potential, tendency to deviant behavior, life satisfaction, educational effectiveness. At the same time, life satisfaction is an indicator of a high level of emotional peace and acceptance of the value of your life, it is subjective. The effectiveness of educational activities can be objective, since it has an outwardly evaluative nature of relations with the study group, the teaching staff.


We assumed that the determinants of the development of adaptive behavior of a master's student's personality are satisfaction with their learning activities and the effectiveness of learning material assimilation and the presence of a high professional compactness.

The multi-level personality questionnaire "Adaptivity" was used as methods for diagnosing the development of adaptive behavior of a master's student, which allowed us to study the adaptive capabilities of undergraduates, based on the determination of a number of psychophysiological and socio-psychological parameters (Geerts & Bouhuys, 1998). The questionnaire is a strictly formalized methodology. The multi-level personal questionnaire (MLO) "Adaptability", consisting of one hundred and sixty-five questions, structured on four levels, we used the material obtained only on the scale of the fourth level-personal adaptive potential (PAP).

The next tool for determining the level of adaptive behavior of respondents was the questionnaire "SOP-2" (Tendency to deviant behavior), which we used as the antipode of adaptive behavior. The logic of our reasoning was as follows: if adaptive behavior is socially normative and accepted, then all degrees of deviation from the norm will distance the individual from adaptability.

Another indicator of the level of the studied behavior was the degree of satisfaction with life and their place in it, which was revealed on the scale of "life satisfaction" from the methodology "Depersonalization by professional systems", the indicator" Educational efficiency " was calculated by analyzing the score-rating assessments of the student's progress. To optimize perception, we propose a formula for adaptive behavior:

Adp = LAP+SOP+Uzh+Ueff, (1)


Adp-adaptive behavior,

LAP - personal adaptive potential,

SOP-tendency to deviant behavior,

Uff - life satisfaction,

Uff-educational efficiency.

Then the arithmetic mean for each magistrate was calculated, the rank was assigned, and the level of adaptive behavior (high, medium, low) was determined. The data of the respondents were compared depending on the course, gender, age and experience of psychological and pedagogical activity. To clarify our scientific assumptions after statistical data processing in Excel and finding the mathematical values of the studied psychological phenomena, we used a poorly formalized method of case studies, social assessments of behavior, and individual conversations.


The sample consisted of 77 undergraduates, including women (55 people) and men (12 people), studying at the Dagestan State Pedagogical University in the direction 44.04.02 - Psychological and pedagogical education, training profiles: "Psychological counseling in education", "Psychological and pedagogical support of education", "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education", "Psychological and pedagogical support of persons with disabilities". The study was conducted during the winter of 2021. Comparative analysis of statistical data did not show significant differences between students in different training profiles, gender differences and experience in psychological and pedagogical activity. From the entire sample, we identified only individuals with a high level of adaptive behavior and identified a psychological portrait of a highly adaptive master's student who demonstrates appropriate behavior.

The effectiveness of educational activities and satisfaction with life and their future place in the professional cluster is an important personal characteristic, which is an indicator of a high level of development of adaptive human behavior. Such behavior can be considered as a relatively stable, consistent and holistic system of acts that unites the most significant layers of the individual. On the other hand, it can not be static, since the risks and mental resources of their residence change, and therefore it will have to adapt, change. Therefore, this is a psychodynamic phenomenon, and therefore is characterized by processality and adaptability. Practice has shown that it is possible to form a sense of psychological security. It is especially important to have it in the arsenal of the individual personality profile of the future psychologist in education.

Acts of adaptive behavior are implemented on the basis of the contradiction between the adaptation of one's own behavior to the requirements of the situation and the desire to remain an autonomously identical person. Thus, it should be concluded that the driving forces of the development of adaptive behavior of the individual are the social demand and individual opportunities for its implementation, which determine the determinants of this type of behavior. The determinants of adaptive behavior in the psychological and pedagogical activity of a master's student-psychologist correlate with the process of implementing labor functions.

The analysis of the obtained statistical data shows that undergraduates have a high level of efficiency in educational activities, but if the performance data is consistently high for all respondents, since the master's degree is mainly attended by excellent students, then life satisfaction has a spread of 30 points, which can be seen in figure 1.

Figure 1. Indicators of life satisfaction and learning performance.

Out of 77 undergraduates, only 15 people had a high level of adaptive behavior development, the representation of determinants is shown in Figure 2:

Figure 2. The level of determinants of adaptive behavior of undergraduates.

The individual psychological profile of highly adaptive undergraduates, who demonstrate this in their behavior, showed that they are active individuals with high social desirability and resilience, demonstrate normativity of behavior, have socially significant values and want to benefit people through professional psychological and pedagogical activities.


A person who expects the recognition of society becomes like it, avoids adaptive shock, and does not implement adaptive behavior. It is desirable that there are no sharp changes in the organization of the space where adaptive behavior is implemented. If we talk about education, it is rational to establish partnerships in the "school-university-school" system.

We, striving to save mental energy, follow the path of least resistance, adapting ourselves to the requirements of others. Then it is logical to consider the mechanisms of protection and self-preservation as the force of movement. In this case, we should talk about the passive type of adaptive behavior. Saving the mental resource, self-presenting the energetically advantageous tactic "One among one's own, one among others", the behavioral strategy of Molchalin is chosen. This is a comfortable sweet, helpful person, driven and driven. A popular strategy of adaptive behavior is considered a strategy of accepting the values of the majority, then the creative active participation of the individual in the transformation of the environment is excluded. The philosophical problem remains – an adapted personality is good or bad from the point of view of universal values. Modern reality testifies to a discrete mental system undergoing states of "activity-passivity". It is precisely these mental "swings" that will not give us a reason to assert that the individual is constantly and completely adapted to the activity, environment, conditions, or anything else. Thus, we can conclude that the driving forces of the development of adaptive behavior of the individual are the social demand and individual opportunities for its implementation, which determine the determinants of this type of behavior.

We can distinguish between active (transformative) and passive (static) adaptive behavior. Rational use of behavioral tactics and strategies indicates active adaptability. This type of behavior has subspecies: stereotypical and improvisational. As an attribute of socialization and a mechanism of individualization, it is based on the subjectivity of the use of an adaptive resource. Having determined the main determinants of the strength of the development of adaptive behavior of the individual, we found out that the basic laws of materialistic dialectics (unity and struggle of opposites; the transition of quantity to quality; negation negation) they carry out the emergence and course of adaptive behavior.


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